I'm a bit nervous about this trip. It has been quite sometime since I
did such a trip on my own. I believe the last was on my way to
Yellowstone National Park in June, 1976. That was 38 years ago. That
trip was to start a summer job, this one is to see some of my son's
collegiate hockey games. The trip is planned around traveling several
roads that I have never been on and visit areas I have never been to.
Areas like Malheur, Steens Mtn., Bonneville Salt Flats, and Bear Lake. I
will be traveling to and through places like John Day, Frenchglen,
Winnemucca, Elko, Rexburg, and Salmon. My traveling buddy will be Rocky
my blue heeler. I've got to finish packing versus blogging.
Delphi Road near Olympia heading south |
before I left, Rocky went out in to the street and challenged a guy
walking his dog. He was mad. Then I was mad. This had me bugged for most
of the day.
We got underway at 10:22 AM. I drove south
through back roads to Littlerock to get to I-5. I didn't drive long
since I had to get gas at the ARCO in Rochester. $3.29/gal - that's
cheap. It's still quite foggy but it's supposed to clear up. No sooner
did I think that, when just after Chehalis - about 10 minutes later -
fog lifted and I had clear, sunny skies for the rest of the day.
continued down Interstate 5 until I got near to Vancouver where I left
I-5 to go south on I-205 and exited on to Washington State Route (SR) 14
East. Wa SR 14 is a beautiful way to drive up the Columbia River. WA
SR 14 goes along north side of Columbia River and is two lanes, and I-84
is an interstate freeway that follows the south shore of the river. WA
SR 14 is just not as fast as if I were to travel I 84 on the south side
of the Columbia. But, I wasn't in a hurry.
Outside of Bonneville Dam on WA SR 14 |
Traffic on WA
SR 14 was very light and I was making good speed and time; of course I
have to remind myself that it is a Tuesday in middle of October. As I
wound along and drove higher along the hills and buttes the maples
really turned color - lots of yellows and reds. Driving lower along the
river the trees were more green and only had touches of yellow. As I
headed east, oak trees started to become mixed in with the maples until
you got to a point where there were no more maples but only oaks. This
subtle transition signals the change from west side to east side. In
time as I drove farther east the trees got less and less until there
were no trees. Then I started to notice the transition from grasses to
the definitely drier vegetation of sagebrush. I love driving along the
Columbia because of this gradual spectrum of going from wet-west side to
the dry east side.
An east wind coming right down the
gorge was blowing hard, must've been 20 knots or more. I stopped
View of Columbia River from Cape Horn on SR 14 |
for a
moment to get a picture at Cape Horn scenic view. The road here must be
over 1, 000 feet above the river. You can look up river at least 20
miles or more. The river definitely showed the wind blowing by creating
long ribbon patterns of spray and waves on the water. Somewhere after
the town of Stevenson the wind lessened and by the time I got to Bingen
there was no more wind. In fact, there were beautiful reflections of the
mountains in the sloughs that border the river.
turned off of WA SR 14 onto southbound US 97. crossed the Columbia River
and left Washington state and in to Oregon. US highway 97 is a major
north-south route serving central Washington and Oregon communities.
Immediately across the bridge is the Interstate community of Biggs
Junction. Biggs is a popular stop with travelers both pleasure and
commercial and makes its name by intersecting I-84 and US highway 97.
Because I was starting to travel in eastern Oregon where the towns and
the availability of gas is less I decided to fill up with gas. Not so
cheap here - $3.45/gal.

US 97 winds south up a twisty
canyon that takes you away from the Columbia River. Nearing the crest of
the canyon, I turned off of US 97 and left onto OR SR 206. Almost
immediately you are in the old farming community of Wasco. Wasco is a
small town but still "alive" with homes, a church, and a farmers supply
store. After Wasco, OR 206 continues to gently climb up through the
wheat fields and into a forest of windmills. Some windmills were turning
others not. Again the wind was very light.
At about
milepost 10 on OR 206 winds its way steeply down a canyon for four miles
until it comes to Cottonwood State Recreation Area; then twisting and
turning five miles back up out of Cottonwood canyon. There were plenty
of 25 mph corners in and out of the canyon. Finally at milepost 24 you
were fully at the summit and the state route bisecting various wheat
fields. OR 206 ends in the small but vibrant farming community of
Condon. In Condon I turned right onto OR SR 19.
I loved
the little town of Condon. Condon was fully decked out in Halloween
figures at various points in town, along with flags and banners
welcoming you to Condon. Wow, there's life and pride in this little farm
town out in the middle of nowhere. Sure it was a Tuesday sunny
afternoon, but there were people walking its sidewalks and out chatting
with others. It looked as if I was witnessing various Norman Rockwell
paintings as I drove through town. Again, I really fell for this little
Beautiful Oregon State Route 19 |
Once out of Condon, OR SR 19 descends gently down
into another canyon, the road twisting this way and that way with plenty
of 30 mph corners. Almost imperceptibly the expansive wheat fields
changed into sagebrush and juniper trees. There were more hills and the
hills weren't round like they were along the Columbia River, but rocky
steppes and buttes. If you didn't pay attention, ever so subtly the
scrub-juniper landscape morphed into Ponderosa Pine forest and the hills
much more pronounced even becoming small mountains. The mountains
continued to get bigger and more dramatic in color - the mountain rocks
and soils were green-gray, pink to red, and dark browns and blacks of
basalt. Conversly, on the "down-low," OR SR 19 drove along the John Day
River with its alternating riffles and pools. Bordering the river trees
in fall colors of reds and yellows added even more color. Driving was
almost dangerous because I was so caught up observing the terrain and
colors. The only distraction is the town of Spray - another little
community out in the middle of nowhere with a lot of pride. After the
little town of Spray, OR SR 19 continues to follow along the John Day
River and enters John Day Fossil Bed country. Again vividly colored
mountains and soils rise up each side of the river canyon until you
John Day fossil bed country |
you cannot go any further but you do. OR SR 19 ends abruptly and
you have no choice except to turn left or right onto US highway 26. I
thought where did this highway come from? I turned left into aptly named
"Picture Canyon" on Highway 26. The highway winds through almost
vertical rock walls and suddenly, and I mean very suddenly, emerges out
of the canyon into a gentle valley. To the north mountains have shrunk
into hills. To the south there are still mountains, but they are more
distant and not rising so dramatically right from the river. The broad
valley is filled with small farms and homes. One of the small
communities I passed through was Dayville whose claim to fame is the
fossil beds. Next up was the small town of Mt. Vernon. General Store,
cafe, farm supply, and Post Office describes each town.
sun was setting behind the mountains making evening seem to come too
soon. I was anxious to get to the Clyde Holliday State Park campground
and get settled. Finally there was the turn into the campground. What a
beautiful campground. I easily found a site. The only others camping
were retired folks and hunters. My camping arrangement was simple -
sleeping in the back of my truck. I've got a short pickup bed, and I'm
still pretty tall so I had to configure my bed (a sleeping bag on top of
a big chaise lounge mattress) to lie cross-wise on the truck bed. Rocky
would lie in the space to my right. I positioned the heater to my
lower left and opened the canopy window right above it so I wouldn't
suffer from carbon monoxide poisoning. The other camping gear would be
temporarily stored in the backseat of the truck.
Camping at Clyde Holliday State Park |
Now that
I had my sleeping arrangements made, next chore was a quick supper. It
was now almost dark and I could feel the temperature dropping. Skies
were still clear and the nearly full moon was bright. The small Coleman
gas lantern provided not only light, but welcome heat too. I wanted
something hot to warm me up from the inside. Again I was grateful that I
had the foresight to pack a big bowl of instant noodles. All I had to
do was heat water for supper. Oh my those hot brothy noodles hit the
spot. Next, I hit the sack.
Rocky and I settled down in
our little road home. The Origo heater was turned down to low and
effectively keeping the cold at bay. I snuggled into my sleeping bag and
Rocky tightly curled up next to me. I layed there looking at the
brilliant moon through the rear canopy window and digested this moment
in time. As if on cue, coyotes in the distance howled, giving Rocky a
bit of a start. I reviewed in my mind the 370 plus miles I had traveled
today, the sights I saw, and all of the new places I had never been to. A
moment later I was asleep.
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